Testing FAQs
Does my child have to be tested to attend school?
No. Testing is entirely optional. However, we strongly encourage all students to undergo testing to help keep our school community and their families as safe as possible.
My child had a positive PCR test within the last 90 days, are they still required to get a test?
Students who have had a positive PCR within the last 90 days will not be tested. Parents are asked to provide the office with proof of their positive PCR test.
My child has been vaccinated, are they still required to undertake testing?
Yes. The government has advised that individuals who have been vaccinated should still undergo regular testing. The vaccine does not interfere with the tests.
How will I get the tests?
Students will be given home testing kits to take home on a regular basis. If your child runs out of tests, please contact Student Services for additional tests. Details of any on-site testing will be communicated to parents when they are due to occur - students will only be tested if the appropriate consent has been obtained.
Do I need to let the school know the results of the home testing?
Students who receive a positive test result should not attend school but will need to self-isolate in line with the government's guidance. From Tuesday 11th January a confirmatory PCR test will no longer be required, in line with government guidance.
What happens if my child gets a positive result?
If a student receives a positive test from tests undertaken at home or as part of the on-site testing, the student and all members of the household should self-isolate in line with the current government guidance.
Can my child be tested at school if they are showing symptoms?
No. No student should attend school if they are displaying any symptoms. Parents should arrange for a PCR test and should self-isolate.
Can I have tests for other members of our household?
From 1st March households with primary, secondary and college aged children, including childcare and support bubbles, can be tested but this will not be provided by the school. The test kits can be accessed:
- via employers if they offer testing to employees
- at a local test site (you may need to book an appointment) Find your nearest rapid lateral flow test site
- by collecting a home test kit from a test site – anyone 18 or over can collect 2 packs of home test kits at a local collection point with each pack containing 7 tests. Most collection points are open from 1.30pm to 7pm and you can check online if the location is open or busy before you go. You do not need to make an appointment. Find your nearest home test kit collection point.
- by ordering a home test kit online – only order online if you are unable to obtain using the methods above. Order rapid lateral flow home test kits