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Board of trustees

Trustees at Uxbridge High School:

Trustees appointed by Members:

  • Kieran Bassan (Chair)
  • Elaine O'Sullivan (Vice Chair)
  • Angela Doherty
  • Ann Jones
  • Lisa Kiely


  • Louisa Seymour

Clerk to Trustees:

  • Lesley Tasker

Parent Trustees:

  • Randeep Sagoo
  • Rashda Awan

Co-opted Trustees (Employees):

  • Ada Jarvis
  • Charis Hill

The board of trustees currently meets six times annually and is responsible for the strategic direction of the academy trust. In order to function effectively trustees are assigned link roles which are related to their areas of expertise. Link trustees meet with the relevant members of the senior leadership team and middle leaders throughout they year, during the school day.


The established link trustee roles are:

· Leadership & Management (including Business & Operations)

· Quality of Education (covering Curriculum; Outcome Data, Teaching Standards, CPD and Staffing). 

· Behaviour & Attitudes (including Safeguarding)

· Personal Development (including attendance, the wider curriculum & careers). 


Members of the board of trustees also sit on panels/committees covering:

  • Audit;
  • Pay;
  • Staff Disciplinary;
  • Staff Grievance;
  • Student Disciplinary.

Name and contact details for Chair of Trustees

Mr Kieran Bassan


Annual AGM

The annual AGM is being held at 5.30pm next week on Wednesday 11 December.  If you would like to attend this virtual meeting, please email the clerk for the link.

"Governors have open and frequent communications with school leaders, including productive meetings with their link subjects. They ensure that leaders' reporting is clear and comprehensive to keep them well informed about key priority areas, such as the progress of groups of pupils and safeguarding matters.

Ofsted 2018