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  • Principal's Weekly Update

    Published 07/06/24

    Good morning, everyone!

    It's wonderful to connect with you again. Last time, we celebrated the success of our Sports Day event. Today, I want to highlight three key areas: opportunities, events, and extra-curricular activities for our students. Additionally, I'll discuss the curriculum for this half-term and how you, as parents, can support our young people at home.

    Exciting Opportunities and Events

    We recently had a fantastic Sports Day, which showcased the enthusiasm and sportsmanship of our students. A special thanks to all the parents who supported the event. The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the teachers' race, which generated a lot of excitement among the students and spectators alike. The event ran smoothly, thanks to the efforts of both students and staff. It was a proud moment for me as the principal to see everyone enjoying and participating wholeheartedly.

    Extracurricular Activities – Cyber Security Club for Girls

    This initiative aims to encourage more young women to explore computer science. The club, designed for Key Stage 3 students (Years 7, 8, and 9), meets bi-weekly and engages in various coding and technology activities. Last year, the club visited the Deloitte office in London, providing invaluable insights from senior women in cybersecurity. This year, they had the inspiring experience of visiting Downing Street. We also have a boys' computer science club led by Mr Burton, ensuring there's something for everyone.

    Curriculum Focus

    For Key Stage 3 students, please review the curriculum on our website and use DPR to track their progress. The goal is for every child to be secure in their key objectives by the end of the year. Teachers are currently assessing these objectives to identify areas where students need additional support.

    Our Year 10 students are preparing for their exams, which will help them identify gaps in their knowledge and build confidence. The same applies to Year 12 students as they prepare for their A-levels and BTEC exams. Encourage them to balance preparation with adequate rest and relaxation.

    Parental Support

    We need your support in reinforcing school policies, such as ensuring mobile phones are switched off and kept in bags during the school day. This policy has significantly reduced distractions and negative impacts associated with social media. Your co-operation in this matter is greatly appreciated.

    Looking Ahead

    We have many exciting events planned for the rest of this academic year. Our Year 7 and 8 students are participating in the district athletics, rewarding their excellent performance on Sports Day. Next week, we'll share updates from our business department, highlighting our new business mural and its focus on representation.

    Stay informed about upcoming events by checking our communication channels regularly. Together, we can ensure the success of our young people.


    Have a fantastic weekend, and we look forward to seeing you next week!



    Louisa Seymour


    * Check out our Preloved School Uniform Shop for high-quality used uniforms at great prices! Save money while supporting sustainability. Visit us here:  The current uniform skirts are now being sold at a discounted price.


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  • Principal's Weekly Update

    Published 28/05/24
    A Spectacular Sports Day Wrap-Up   Good Afternoon Everyone, It's wonderful to share the highlights of our fantastic Sports Day, marking the end of this half-term. The vibrant atmosphere is palpable, with our talented Sixth Formers
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  • Principal's Weekly Update

    Published 17/05/24
    Dear parent/carer It's a pleasure to address you on this sunny Friday morning here at Uxbridge High School. I hope this message finds you well and that you're looking forward to a wonderful weekend. Celebrating Successes This week ha
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  • Haarlemmermeer Lyceum visit

    Published 16/05/24
    On the 15th of May, we were delighted to welcome a delegation of students and educators from Haarlemmermeer Lyceum in the Netherlands to our school as part of a vibrant cultural exchange initiative. Designed to nurture global understanding, enrich la
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  • Principal's Weekly Update

    Published 10/05/24
      Dear parents/carers Greetings from Uxbridge High School. We're thrilled to share the latest updates and happenings from our vibrant school community.   Engaging Curriculum in Action In our endeavor to make learning come
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  • Motivez & Kenvue STEM Event

    Published 10/05/24
    On Wednesday, 100 of our Year 9 students had the incredible opportunity to delve into the world of STEM and its exciting career prospects. The day was packed with valuable experiences: from understanding safety protocols in the pharmaceutical sector
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  • Principal's Weekly Update

    Published 03/05/24

    Exploring Opportunities, Preparing for Exams, and Strengthening Partnerships: A Recap of the Week

    Hi everyone, and welcome to our third week of the summer term! In the bustling corridors of our school, opportunities abound, and this week's message delves into three key themes: seizing opportunities, gearing up for exams, and fortifying the partnership between the school, parents, and students.


    Exploring Opportunities:

    The school prides itself on offering a holistic curriculum that extends beyond textbooks. In a recent Year 9 Design and Technology (DT) class, students showcased their prowess in hands-on learning—a testament to the diverse opportunities available. Moreover, partnerships with external organisations continue to broaden their horizons. A select group of year 9 students will participate in a STEM-focused event where they'll glean insights into career pathways, courtesy of a collaborating company we are working with. As if that weren't enough, an array of excursions, reward trips, Year 10 careers events, and sports day will be taking place this term. Letters will be sent out regarding these events.


    Preparation for the Exam Season:

    With exam season in full swing, the corridors hum with focused energy. Year 11 and 13 students are leaving no stone unturned, attending extra intervention sessions, and diligently adhering to revision schedules. Recent practical and language exams have showcased their dedication, but the real litmus test lies ahead. Both students and parents are urged to prioritise rest and support, ensuring peak performance on the day.


    Strengthening the School-Parent-Student Partnership: 

    Central to the school's ethos is the tripartite partnership between the school, parents, and students. Clear communication channels are essential, with parents urged to monitor online activities to foster a safe digital environment. Equally crucial is minimising disruptions during school hours and encouraging students to seek guidance from school staff for prompt resolution of issues. Trust forms the bedrock of this partnership, with collective efforts aimed at nurturing each student's potential to shine.

    Please help us promote a safe and positive online environment for students by monitoring their social media use.


    DT Club: Crafting Futures with Mr Buckley: 

    The DT Club serves as a melting pot of ideas, where students from Years 7 to 9 delve into diverse projects, from sweet dispensers, acrylic birdhouses, and phone holders to mini pinball machines. With enthusiasm brimming, Mr. Buckley extends a warm invitation for aspiring innovators to join the club and unleash their creative potential. The club takes place every Tuesday after school.

    Two final reminders: next Thursday is Year 10 Parents' Evening, and if your child has school dinners, please top up their account as some accounts are in deficit.

    Thank you, as always, for your incredible support. Have a wonderful weekend. Together, let's make this a term where every student achieves and shines! I look forward to speaking to you again next week.

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  • Next Steps in Studying Music

    Published 02/05/24

    Open to 14 to 18 year-olds and their parents.

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  • Principal's Weekly Update

    Published 26/04/24

    Summer Term Week 2: Celebrating Determination

    Hi everyone, and welcome to our second week of the summer term! It's been a bit chilly recently, but let's hope for some more sunshine like we have today. We're always focused on making every day fantastic for our students, and this week has been no different!


    This week, let's talk about determination!

    One of our core values is all about encouraging students to be determined to achieve their best in all areas of the curriculum. We want you, as parents and guardians, to help us nurture this quality in our young people.

    We have some amazing, determined students here at Uxbridge High School. Think of our world dance champions, our brilliant gymnasts, footballers, and those incredible Jiu-Jitsu athletes! We're proud of our students. Their determination inspires us all. But we also have students who show unwavering determination quietly, and we want to shine a spotlight on them too. Teachers are spotting those who always strive for their best.


    How else are we encouraging students to show their determination?

    • Determined Movement: When moving between lessons, the end of the break, and lunchtime, we want students to be quick and focused. We want students to be determined to begin the do now. We'll keep reminding them about this important mindset. Please support this message, encourage your child at home, and talk about how it makes a difference!
    • Exams and Revision: The summer term means exams. Year 11 and 13 students are digging in, showing amazing determination. We held extra English and math sessions this week, right before parents' evening. Year 13, keep coming to school for that crucial teacher support as you prepare for your exams! Year 10 and 12, remember your exams are around the corner in June; now is the time for revision timetables and focus! 


    Fantastic events and opportunities

    Let's not forget all the exciting events happening! This week, Years 10 and 12 enjoyed a great trip to Kew Gardens. Stay tuned for more fun experiences coming up soon; check ParentPay for details.

    Let's hope the sunshine keeps coming, and please help us spread the message of determination at home. It makes a huge difference for our students. Thanks for listening, and see you next week!

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  • Principal's Weekly Update

    Published 19/04/24
    Welcome Back for the Summer Term! I'm thrilled to welcome everyone back for the summer term! I hope you all had a chance to relax and recharge over the break and perhaps spend some quality time with your families. To those who celebrated Easte
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  • GCSE & A-Level Timetables

    Published 17/04/24
    Please find below the GCSE and A-Level exam timetables for your reference: GCSE Exam Timetable A-Level Exam Timetable
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  • Principal's Weekly Update

    Published 22/03/24
    Good morning everyone, We hope this message finds you well and enjoying the budding signs of spring. Today, we're thrilled to bring you some exciting updates from Uxbridge High School, all delivered from the vibrant outdoors as we soak up the
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