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Safeguarding - Students

Ensuring the safety and well-being of all students at Uxbridge High School is our top priority.  Therefore we have policies and procedures which surround the issue of safeguarding young people.

Safeguarding means that we aim to ensure the well-being of you, our students, both emotionally and physically, and will take steps in order to ensure that young people are not at risk, either from themselves or from others.  We continue to monitor vulnerable students and maintain contact with the relevant services.

At Uxbridge High School, we have a team approach to safeguarding and students with concerns should speak to one of the safeguarding team by emailing

The steps that the school might take are:

  • meeting with the young person to explore the issue
  • meeting with the parent/s to explore the issue
  • liaising and meeting with other agencies or professionals
  • making a referral to social services and liaising with them.

Social services are first and foremost a preventative agency – they seek to support families to get back on track and make change happen in their lives to ensure that young people are kept safe. It is with this in mind that the school might refer to social services: to seek support for the family and young person. Unless the risk is presented by a parent, the school will either consult with them about the referral or inform them that a referral is taking place.

Please click here for our child protection / safeguarding policy

Please click here for our Personal Development Curriculum Overview 2023/24

"The school has meticulous systems and routines for safeguarding pupils. Pupils are alert to risks outside school and know how to keep themselves safe because of the guidance they receive at school."
Ofsted 2018

What to do if you feel THAT you or another young person is at risk:

As a student at the school:

  • tell a member of staff about it if you’re in school;
  • tell your parent about it if you’re at home;
  • Call Childline (0800 1111) or The Samaritans (08457 909090). Childline is free to call from any phone.
  • Contact the NSPCC (see below for contact details)

Whatever your worry, you can contact the NSPCC in one of the following ways:

The NSPCC has launched a dedicated helpline for children and young people who have experienced abuse at school, and for worried adults and professionals who need support and guidance, including for non-recent abuse.  You can call their helpline, Report Abuse in Education, on 0800 136 663 or email them at  You can also find further information on the NSPCC website at

Please see further support links below:

Internet and Social Media Support

  • Childnet - helping make the internet a safe place for all
  • Educate against Hate - Government advice and trusted resources for schools to safeguard students from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and promote shared values.
  • Internet safety
  • Internet safety - UK Safer Internet Centre

Mental Health Support

Relationships and Sex

Staying Safe 

Additional Safeguarding resources:

Advice and Support Services

Sexual health and well-being monthly drop-ins, click here to read more.